
A Day in the Life of an Auditor: Ali

A Day in the Life of an Auditor: Ali

City: Atlanta, GA

Title: Senior Staff

Company: Crowe


7:30 AM – In the summer months into October, I typically wake up around 7:30 AM. 

8:30 AM – The first thing I do every day is read my emails and put together a to-do list. Today at the top of my to-do list was summarizing committee minutes for a client going public on Monday. Yesterday, my first task was answering review comments. It varies every day.

12:30 PM – Breaks in the office typically include coffee runs or chit-chatting at our desks. Yesterday, we walked to Starbucks. For lunch, we usually walk as a group to the Lenox Mall food court, which is connected to our office building. We grab lunch and bring it back to the office so we can all sit together. 

2:00 PM – One thing about my job is that my desk changes every day! In the Crowe Atlanta office we have open seating. Desks are typically in pods of 4 or 6 with a divider between the people across from you. Each desk contains a large monitor to hook up to and with a push of a button can turn into a standing desk. I typically sit at the same desk every day in the office but sometimes my team moves around. However, today I worked from home so I sat at my house desk. Today, I did not have any official meetings but did have phone conversations with staff to answer questions. Yesterday, I was in the office and had one meeting with a client via WebEx.

5:00 PM – Recently, I have been leaving work at 5:15. After work I like to work out, make dinner, and go on walks. Today, I have dinner plans with friends. 

Questions & Answers with Ali: 

What was your major in college? 

Accounting and Management.

When was the last time you had to travel for work? 

The last time I traveled for work was in July for training and control walkthroughs.

What has a career in Audit done for you?

A career in audit has sharpened and refined my critical thinking skills, it has taught me professionalism and client service. It has also given me opportunities such as travel, recruiting, and getting involved in groups such as the Young Auditing Professionals Panel (YAPP) with the Center for Audit Quality.

What is one thing that you do with your career in audit that surprised you? 

So much writing! When I first choose accounting as a major I had no idea that it entailed so much writing and defending our position. I was also surprised by how much volunteer work the firm performs. At Crowe, we care about giving back to our local communities and set participation goals, Our current firm goal is 100,000 hours of volunteer work.

Where do you see yourself in five years? 

In 5 years, I see myself starting a business.