What exactly does an auditor at a public accounting firm do?
Auditors help to provide the capital markets with confidence and assurance in financial reporting. Auditors perform independent evaluations to provide assurance that information, such as the financial statements, present a true and fair view of a company’s financial performance and position. The bedrock of our financial system, is audit.
Check out our student resources and videos to learn about a career in the public company audit profession:
- Did You Know? Facts About Audit
- 5 Reasons to Discover Audit
- Strengths and Skills Great Auditors Possess
- Professional Development Opportunities
- College Admissions and Funding Assistance
- Public Company Auditing: A Path to A Dynamic, Purpose-Driven Career
- Myths and Facts about a Career in Audit
What to Expect When You Choose a Career in Auditing
Get a first-hand glimpse at what audit life is really like from several young public company auditors. These selfie-style videos showcase the exciting opportunities and perks that make a career in auditing so appealing.
#AuditorProud 2018 Highlights
So what exactly makes a group of accounting professionals #AuditorProud? Probably more than you’d think. Check out this video for a look back at the best social posts of 2018.