
A Day in the Life of an Auditor: Gerline

A Day in the Life of an Auditor: Gerline

City: Atlanta, GA

Title: Audit & Assurance Senior Assistant

Company: Deloitte & Touche LLP


6:30 a.m.– I wake up at 6:30 a.m. I wake up at this time every day and eat a quick breakfast before starting my day. 

8:00 a.m.– I get into work roughly at 8 a.m. The first thing I do when I arrive each morning is to make myself a task list and set goals for the day. Then, I check my inbox and respond to emails as necessary. 

10:00 a.m.– On my current client assignment, my desk setup is me in a room with four other colleagues. My desk faces the wall, and it has two monitors. I keep my desk clean and neat throughout the day. 

12:00 p.m.– My team went out to lunch today to a local restaurant. Typically, we go to the client’s cafeteria for lunch though. 

2:00 p.m.– I had internal controls walkthroughs with the client contact to discuss the controls related to the control environment, risk assessment, and monitoring of the company’s processes. In the meeting, I learned how each specific control fits into the overall process. The client walked me through an example for each control in the current year. The walkthrough helped me determine whether the control was designed and implemented properly. 

4:00 p.m.– I took a brief break from my client work today to check in with my senior to discuss goals for the year and expectations going into my second year. Sometimes my breaks will be getting water or coffee with coworkers to break up the day. 

6:00 p.m.– I typically leave work around 6 p.m. each day. I went on a walk around my neighborhood after work to decompress and get fresh air. I often make dinner and watch a show on TV. Then I lay my clothes out for the next day. 

Questions & Answers with Gerline: 

What was your major in college? 


When was the last time you had to travel for work? 

The last time I traveled for work was in August. I went to Scranton, Pennsylvania for control testing.

What has a career in Audit done for you?

A career in audit has allowed me to learn how a business operates at a high level. I have been exposed to many areas of different companies and gained an understanding of each process. This career has also allowed me to broaden my network and meet colleagues around the country.

What is one thing that you do with your career in audit that surprised you? 

I was surprised at how often I travel! As a young professional, traveling excites me and getting to do it for my job has been a wonderful opportunity.

Where do you see yourself in five years? 

Over the next five years, I look forward to building my knowledge and skills in auditing as I strive to become a senior. I am excited to take on new challenges and learn from my colleagues. I plan to take full advantage of each opportunity I am given to enhance my experience.


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