#AuditorProud Day
Tell the world why you are #AuditorProud on social
5 Years later we're #AUDITORPROUD!

Young Professional
New to a career in audit? Tag your alma mater online to share where you were a student 5 years ago before you became an auditor!

Whether you’re celebrating your 3rd, 4th or even 5th AuditorProud day, tell us what the last 5 years of audit have taught you or what you look forward to in the next 5!

Long-time Auditor
Have you been #AuditorProud since before Twitter? Tell everyone what the last 5 years of audit have been like compared to your first 5!
Now it's your turn! Share why you're
#AuditorProud "5 years later"!
Get #AUDITORPROUD on Social!
Auditors across the globe are sharing why they are
The CAQ's Governing Board
takes On Google AutoComplete
Want to know more about
Discover Audit?
Road Trip Nation
3 college students traveled across the US in a green RV to meet auditors on Roadtrip Nation’s Accounting & Audit Roadtrip.