Three New Year’s Resolutions (That You’re Welcome to Steal)
It’s not too late to make a New Year’s resolution. Why not consider one that can help set you up for career success? Here’s a list of some career-focused resolutions— best of all they are ATTAINABLE!
Find a Mentor
January is National Mentor Month—but it will take longer than a month to find a great mentor! It takes commitment and patience to find the right fit, and work to maintain the relationship, but the rewards are well worth it!
Take a look:
If you’re a college student, try reaching out to an alumnus in the auditing profession to learn more about the industry. If you’re already in the auditing field, check with your HR team to see if there is any kind of mentor-matching system in place. Setting specific monthly goals, like two coffee meetings a month with potential mentors, is a great way to make the “Find a Mentor” resolution more realistic.
Lend Expertise
Giving back is important—and we all have experiences that can help others. There are many ways to lend expertise. Consider joining a CPA study group and offering your help to potential CPAs, or get a monthly peer-to-peer auditor lunch on the books to be a mentor to other auditors!
Stay In-The-Know
It is important to stay up to date on the issues and opportunities impacting your future, or current, profession or industry. In 2017, commit to following relevant publications and resources on social media. One great resource for the next generation of auditors is Discover Be sure to follow Discover Audit on Twitter and Instagram. And good luck with your resolutions!